Friday, February 27, 2009

Emotions and Protons!

Do you ever "feel" the vacuum?
The numbness of mind and the desire for someone - to be
there, at that very moment...

All your thoughts and running down the same lane , you can
feel your heart, the blood which it is pumping !
Yes that happens, after one hour of my sleep I usually feel
an adrenaline rush, My soul , mind and my very being goes
numb, I feel the "space" and a desire for the Special being,
Special soul , who's somewhere the space...

Space which is undefined...
My thoughts go haywire, trying to understand that Myself
and my desires are a part of the space ... or is it?

We are all made of matter ... or Protons for that matter ( lets
hope the atoms of our least possible self are positive ! )

So why do we shy away from speaking to some people..
people who like us are made up of.... protons!

What are those emotions when coupled with our protons
make us a distanced self? Make us secluded!
What are those emotions which make us feel so connected
to some one who is far far away... a few continents away!!!

Why is there the distance... A physical and mental
distance between you and someone sitting next to you !

What is it???

So when I try to concentrate and a picture of " space "
appears in my mind... that's when I think we are nothing but
small particles... and so are are fellow beings... There's no
sign of a purpose for our beings....We just exist, don't know
why, what for and since when- till when....

So, after a look at the bigger picture suddenly you see
someone , you are back to your worldly ways... you are
feeling the sweat in your palms.. the butterflys in your

You are Back!

what's making us think so bizarre? why so many variations
in the wavelengths of our thoughts...

We go there in the space and come back to our " Defined"
known beings....
We travel to the dark... and return to the so called " Lit up

What is the Truth, whats driving us.. what do we want...
Whats the connection and the difference between our :

" Emotions and Protons!"